Dr. Aaron McKain, M.S.L.
consultant | professor | advocate
Catalyzes civic engagement and curate under-served community voices by translating complex issues into easy-to-understand:
Local, national, and international art exhibitions and installations;
Academic research and publications;
Educational materials for attorneys, teachers; citizens, and advocates.
Our own body of work is motivated by the same goals that guide our exhibitions of other artists' work. We want to use aesthetic experiences as a means of engaging the general public with digital and biomedical harms that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye or too bogged down in esoteric jargon.
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All Bullets Shatter:
Crime and Trauma
Living Art Exhibition and Public Forum
Minneapolis, MN and Online. May 2022.
In partnership with:
Guns Down, Love Up I Protect MN
Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives
Urban Educators I North Suburban Center for the Arts I MN Second Change Coalition
and Faculty from Ohio State, Georgia State, Portland State, and Pittsburg Univ.